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Essential steps to create a successful membership website

Your website is the shop window to your membership organisation. It needs to showcase what you’re about, promote the benefits to members, and capture what it means to belong to your community. In a crowded sector of competing membership organisations, your member acquisition and retention could fall short if your shop window (your website) isn’t up to scratch.

That’s where we come in! We’ve developed our essential steps to help you grow, engage and retain members while also saving you time and money. These top tips have been created from many years’ experience of guiding membership organisations and associations through digital transformation.

12 Essential steps to create a successful membership website

  1. Focus on your members’ needs
  2. Website planning and workshops
  3. Make the website intuitive and easy to join
  4. Content, content, content!
  5. Look beyond digital
  6. Digital transformation
  7. Use a combination of tools and services
  8. Capitalise on existing technology
  9. Use a modern membership management system
  10. Let actionable data lead your decisions
  11. Review and evolve your offering
  12. A website is like an employee – shower it with love and care

Click the download button to access the complete guide and elevate your website to new heights, ensuring it becomes a powerful tool for member acquisition and retention. Don’t miss out – transform your digital presence today!

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